Hi, I am Harshal , a designer from India presently working on the Brand Identity team at The New York Times, on Audio.
Resume, LinkedIn, Email, Instagram, Other Things

Hi, I am Harshal, a designer from India presently working on the Brand Identity team at The New York Times.
Resume, LinkedIn, Email, Instagram, Other Things

Some smaller projects, writings, illustrations I’ve been/ am working on.
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March 09, 2024 I've been increasingly consuming the internet since October 7, trying to wrap my head around all that's happening; have an informed opinion, some voice, even if it were limited to conversations with my family over the phone or with a friend on a walk. The more I watched, read, and heard, the more I realized how little I knew. I continued until I read about how we are conditioned to consume anything dystopic as long as it wasn't happening to us. Of the gazillion images and videos out there, this still from a reel Motaz Azaiza shared on November 6, 2023, of a little boy trembling terrified me. I can't help but think about what if I were one of them. How is all this still happening? Is this *Sensitive Content* becoming only *Content*? Paralyzing. The following slide is a compilation of entries from my diary.

Walking the Dog
[Notes from my journal. Prospect Park, March 16, 2024, Afternoon]:
— You follow your dog.
— Your dog walks you.
— Your dog follows you.
— You force-walk your dog.
— You and your dog walk together.
— You are the dog (You need the love from your pet).
— You need love.
A dog person

December 21, 2023 Got these on the first day of school, over two years ago. Souvenirs. Lost them soon after, found them at some point, misplaced them again; found one, found the other, before losing them, again. They resurfaced today— putting them here before I lose them. RISD happened in a sec.